This office's foremost objective is to provide Academic and Administrative leadership to the University in order to guarantee that financial…
Top Management Team
According to the University and other Tertiary institutions’ Act 2001 as amended. The office of DVC-AA is mandated…
The office of the DVC F&A derives its mandate from the University and other Tertiary institutions’ Act 2001 as…
The University and other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001, as amended, requires each Public University to have a…
The Office of the Academic Registrar derives its mandate from the University and other Tertiary institutions’ Act…
By the nature of the establishment of Busitema University, …
Each Public University must have a Dean of Students, who is chosen by the University Council on the advice of the…
The Finance Department is headed by the University Bursar's office whose mandate is derived from the University and…