Course Unit Title
FWR 1104 Ichthyology
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Course Unit Description

This course unit looks at the biology of fishes including the Structure, physiology, evolution, taxonomy, zoo-geography, ecology and conservation with implications for management and conservation of marine and freshwater fish diversity and fishery resource issues. It brings together available knowledge on the decline and restoration of freshwater and marine fishes, providing ecologically sound answers to biodiversity declines as well as to fishery management problems at the subsistence, recreational, and commercial levels. 

Course learning objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to;

  • Understand the concepts and terms used in fish biology. 
  • Describe the biological processes of fish 
  • Understand the ecological and management implications of the fish biological processes. 

Learning outcome
At the end of the course, students should be able to;

  • Appreciate the concepts and terms used in fish biology
  • Understand the biological processes and functioning in fish
  • Apply ecological knowledge for effective biodiversity conservation.