Course Unit Title
AGB 3107 Agribusiness Value Chain Analysis
Course Unit Description
The definitions and key concepts of Value Chain; value chain creation process, value chain activities, Outsourcing value chain activities; Technology and the Value Chain (Inbound Logistics Technologies; Operations Technologies; Outbound Logistics Technologies; Marketing and Sales Technologies; Service Technologies), Differentiation and the Value Chain, Cost Advantage and the Value Chain.
Course Objectives
- To impart knowledge and skill in the fundamental value chain concepts with regard to animal production systems and clusters
- To equip learners with knowledge on how to carry out value analysis on different products.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course unit, learners should be able:
- Know basic concept of product standards and international requirements in trade
- Appreciate Porters’ value chain analysis as a tool to enhance competitiveness.
- Advice commercial farmers and industry operators on process of delivery farm products ‘from farm to fork